

Hi all, my name is Alice Lease, and this is my balloon travel blog. I have a lot of experience with this type of travel, so I’m happy to share it with my readers. My favorite place is, of course, Cappadocia. That’s where I took my first flight and fell in love with hot air balloons forever.

The balloon flight is remembered by those who were lucky enough to go on such a journey, many months and even years later. An unforgettable adventure full of beauty and excitement, giving a bird’s eye view of the Earth – it is worth to experience it at least once!

From above even the usual world around appears something else – fascinating and unknown. Therefore, flying by balloon always takes traveling to a new level.

When people ask me what the main feature of a hot-air balloon is?
The first thing that comes to mind is the exceptional smoothness and slowness of the flight.
Only a balloon can rise to the height of the tallest skyscraper and in a few minutes “mow the grass” 10 centimeters from the ground.
Only from the balloon you can see the beauty of scenery slowly passing under your feet and pick a leaf from a tree or a cone from the highest fir tree.

And also the feeling of complete freedom. Just you and the sky and beauty…